Synopsis Ousama Ranking tells the story of a young prince named Bojji who was born deaf and dumb. Due to the lack of Prince Bojji, many people looked down on him and considered him unfit to be a successor to the king. Not only the people who see themselves as weak, but even by the royal people. Many people then called himself the "Useless Prince." Despite his many weaknesses and flaws, Prince Bojji had a very strong heart. There are still some people who still support him to become the next king. Once upon a time, Prince Bojji met a shadowy figure named Kage who came from the Shadow Clan. The Kage asked for Prince Bojji's valuables and he kept asking for it. But Prince Bojji was neither afraid nor angry at the presence of the Kage. The reason is because now Prince Bojji has friends to play and chat with. The friendship between Prince Bojji and the Kage finally begins. Prince Bojji intends to conquer fear and discomfort with those around him. Prince Bojji was very happy to...
After What If and also the Multiverse of Madness, now we have seen several variants of Doctor Strange. Who is the strongest Doctor Strange in the MCU? Here's the list! 6. Zombie Doctor Strange No, these aren't the Doctor Strange zombies you see in the Multiverse of Madness. There is a reality in What If? where the Earth is overrun by zombies. Many heroes were already zombies even before Bruce Banner returned to Earth. Doctor Strange is already a zombie there. He was also eventually dealt with quickly. His cloak plays more of a role in the zombie episode than Strange itself. 5. Defender Strange Defender Strange is a wizard who looks quite formidable in his appearance at the beginning of the Multiverse of Madness. However he dies relatively quickly, so I can't put him any higher than this. Even the most powerful action of Defender Strange at the top of the film was the act of Strange, the main reality using his body. 4. Doctor Strange Earth-838 Doctor Strange Earth-838 is a...